Welcome to world of “learner empathy”, the next big thing in L&D space.

Sorry for you, but how can I help…

Oh, that is sad…

Not your fault, I can help…

You deserve a help…

This crisis was looming for quite some time as the nature of work is impacted by technology innovation.

During my growing years, I still remember my favorites, who always helped me bounce back with their support. They spoke the last two and were very assertive in their communication. Those days, I tried to unravel this bias for favorites, but failed. I never realized that I was getting exposed to pity, sympathy, empathy, and compassion where the last two moved me the most.

My school days were also not very different. I was trying to remember my own lessons that were more memorable than others. It was not so difficult, as the interactions and activities with my school mates still live with me. Whatever it was, but all the memorable lessons share one thing in common; they were designed by teachers who understood a how a child feels and how they can make them happy and confident.

Today in the era of online learning ecosystem, we have great content developed by the best teachers; we have the best of the technology for learning delivery.

But, thus arise 3 big questions

It’s time to make learning memorable. Bring in the empathy and empower your learning ecosystem.  You can build a pool of happy and confident learners by employing a learning ecosystem that

L&D managers have always complained that a LMS lacks the feeling or concern for the learner. It’s complete indifference, similar to numbness to a situation where an LMS can gather data but is unable to act upon it.

It’s time to deploy learning system that recognizes empathy and deliver powerful experiences leading. 

So, be acquainted with learner empathy!

Sirsendu Das

Senior Learning Architect, Excelsoft Technologies.

EnhanzED Education – An affiliate of Excelsoft Technologies